
Im becca, the proud owner of Fearless Keychains

Firstly, Thank you for being here! The idea of Fearless Keychains was born in 2020 after a night out in London, myself and my friends faced some street harassment which left us feeling scared of being a group of girls, alone with no protection.

I have a strong passion for helping others, which I believe encouraged me to pursue this business, helping people has always been my main focus on whatever I have done in my life and I am beyond grateful I’ve finally found my calling in life, giving people more confidence and showing that there are UK legal products to keep you feeling safer.

After some research I soon noticed that the only thing legal you can carry here is a safety alarm as a form of “self-defence” Whilst on my search I found a product a few companies in America were selling, this product was a self-defence keychain! I wanted one so badly to be able to take back control of my life, but I wasn’t prepared to take on the risk of carrying anything illegal to defend myself. , I discovered a company based in the UK advertising a product as a “criminal identification spray” which I thought would be a great, legal alternative to pepper spray!

This gave me the inspiration to see if there was anything else that I could swap from the American keychain to become UK compliant, I swapped the kubaton for a 3in1 car safety tool as a window breaking replacement and I swapped the pepper spray for the criminal identification spray, the other items such as safety alarms are legal here so I added one to my keychain, and the first fearless keychain was born! I made myself a UK legal alternative to the American self-defence keychain which was something I’ve never seen in the UK.

I started to carry it around, and I felt so much more safer, I took it absolutely everywhere with me and I finally felt like I had control of my life again then I started going backwards and forwards with the idea of making these for others. Harassment and assault is a huge issue we face, it’s safe to say, no matter your race, religion, or gender, we have all experienced it at some point in our lives, for a good six months I was planning, creating, perfecting but in march 2021 something that shocked the united kingdom made me realize people need this protection now, it shouldn’t come to us needing to carry things to keep us safe, it is incredibly sad.

But, after six months I finally sold my very first keychain on April 14th. I have now protected THOUSANDS of people (12000 and counting) in the UK , I’ve sold globally, featured in newspapers and even on BBC radio, highlighting the issues women are facing daily, spreading the message that more needs to be done. My mission is to protect as many people in the UK as physically possible and i hope to change many more lives for years to come
